In Unification Thought, Dr. Sang Hun Lee writes,

Unification ThoughtBut in the strict sense of the word, there can be no equality. Equality originally means no discrimination, but there can not but be the discrimination between ages, sexes, and occupations. Also since the capabilities, characters, and hobbies of people are different, there can hardly be an expectation of equality in economic life. Furthermore, as every person in charge of certain levels of posts, organizations, nations, or the world is to be given appropriate rights, neither can there be equality of rights. Thus equality can not exist in the realms of biology, occupations, economy, and rights.

Man is only equal before the law. Though man is equal before the law, this is far from complete equality. Nowadays, many people in the democratic societies feel inequality even though they are supposedly equal before the law. In a certain sense, the capitalist contradictions and defects may be said to have been aggravated under the shadow of "equality before the law."

Then is equality eternally unrealizable? No, it can and should be realized. How can it possibly be done? It is possible only within order. Genuine equality is in love; there is true equality only in God's love, and God's love is manifested only through order. Where there is no order, God's love can not appear. Love is the flow of heart and where an orderly system centering on God is established, heart flows and love is realized. This creates equality.

Equality is an equality of the effect of satisfaction and joy. In other words, it does not mean a mere equality of economy and rights, but an equality of "feelings" by which all people are thoroughly pleased-feelings of freedom, value, and happiness.

This should be interpreted that men and women have equal value but do not have equal rights. Women should not have the same rights as men in the workplace. That is the man's realm. Men should not iron clothes at home.

InUnification Thought Unification Thought Study Guide we read, "The relationship between positivity and negativity in the Theory of the Original Human Nature is that between man and woman, and husband and wife. Each man and woman are only parts of wholes, so they can become the perfect whole only when both are united into one. Man is the encapsulation of all the positive things in the cosmos and is their representative, and woman is the encapsulation of all the negative things in the cosmos and represents them, Man represents all men and woman represents all women.

"Man was created to be the subject who dominates all things. Also, in human relationships man, as a connected body, has a subject position to disciples or inferiors in some responsible field. The subject dominates the object by means of love, so the subject must have a heartistic and value oriented attitude. Today, science and technology have made progress without such an attitude, and because of this man is losing his subjectivity as a dominator. So it is absolutely necessary to establish the heartistic view of value in order to restore his subjectivity.


"Because of the fall of man, man has been, without love, dominating all things for selfish purposes up to the present day. So, all things have been sorrowful and men have been continuously fighting against one another." The problem with this is, of course, how do we define "selfish" and "selfless." Father is seen as selfish by many because he lives in a mansion and has a jet while members are beggars who sleep in crowded rooms in sleeping bags. Writers in the UC like Peter and Kim Brown often write of love not being selfish. Unfortunately they do not teach that married women who have an able-bodied husband and work outside the home are being selfish and care more for themselves than their husband, children and God's laws. The Principle teaches that the fall was selfishness and therefore evil is selfishness. If everyone would become selfless, the argument goes, then we would have harmonious marriages, families and therefore nations. Father's first wife did not see him as being selfless when he focused on the members instead of her. She literally threw pots and pans at him. Father's daughter, Un Jin, told the world on 60 Minutes that her father is selfish. Nan Sook paints a picture of selfishness for the Moon family.


There is a knee-jerk reaction in our culture to think patriarchy is inherently male selfishness. Men, they say, get all the fun of working in the marketplace and get to grow while the woman languishes in her jail -- her tiny, boring home. If women want to be truly selfless they will do as the Bible says and make their home their career. If a woman feels she is being selfless by working to help pay bills, she is really being selfish and not caring for her man. If a woman complains because her husband works too much, she is a nag that the Bible denounces severely in Proverbs. The greatest act of unselfishness women could do is go home and care for their family.


The word "dominate" as used in the Bible has a negative connotation of harsh and cruel force. This is not what the authors have in mind. We are to dominate with love. If men dominate women with love and women dominate their children with love, there will order and love in the family.

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