I agree
with Dr. Joong Hyun Pak and Dr. Andrew Wilson who in their book,
True Family Values write: "The marriage relationship requires
different roles." ... "The husband is like heaven; the wife is like
the earth." ... "It is the nature of a man to be forthright and
initiate love. It is the nature of a woman to be modest and wait for
love. A man is endowed with a mind and body fit to hard labor and to
an aggressive public life. A woman has the abilities fit for
nurturing children."
"The complementary roles of husband and wife in a relationship make for a strong and beautiful attraction. In their love, they honor each other's distinctive roles and contribute their different abilities to the welfare of the whole."
"Contemporary feminists have advocated absolute equality
between men and women, but based on rights, not on love." "Feminism
has done a disservice to family life. It is paradoxical but true that
spurning the natural differences between men and women, feminism has
impoverished and weakened the family. Families centered on true love
start by honoring the natural diversity of roles out of which love
grows, and end by achieving true
"There is an economic division of labor between public and private. There is the function of breadwinner, traditionally taken by the father, who goes out into the world to earn a salary. Then there is the responsibility to manage the home and raise the children, usually borne by the mother."
They teach that families are to sacrifice for others and give two examples: "A filial daughter who endures hardships for the love of her elderly parents-in-law and the soldier who offers his life in defense of his nation have each taken on the yoke of duty. Each is refined through the crucible of his or her service to separate from Satan and becomes a person of virtue." In this example, a woman gives service in the home and the man goes off to fight in war. Feminists see no difference in men and women and fight to have women in combat. They have already put women in combat in America by having them be police officers. Women cops who drive around in squad cars are now beaten and killed by stronger men. This would have been unthinkable to America's Founding Fathers.
I like what
Pak and Wilson write, but sadly this is all they say about men/women
differences in over 200 pages in their book. And they never mention
that the man is the head of the house. The key to true family values
is the value of patriarchy. It is the cornerstone of a Godly family.
Because they left this out their book is weak and has little power to
transform lives. The public statements of the Mormons and Baptists
clearly teach patriarchy which makes their teachings on family values
greater and truer than Pak and Wilson's. They do not know the essence
of the Divine Principle because they do not know the essence of
subject and object. Therefore their book is a big disappointment.
This is why they are ineffective leaders and have not led the UC to
victory in growth and power.
One sister in the UC told me once that all sisters should have at least one credit card in her own name and continually read financial magazines.
I totally disagree. Sisters should not have their own personal bank cards. My wife used to have her own credit card and it turned out to be a disaster. But don't take it just from me. I searched through some of Father's speeches over a period of 20 years and found the following five quotes that support my view that Father does not want women to be independent of men.
Father's words on bank accounts
February 15, 1981 in "THE TWO WORLDS OF GOOD AND EVIL" he said, "You
will have only one savings account with your spouse, not one for the
wife and another for the husband."
On April 18, 1993 he said in "The Truthful Family is the Homeland of All Perfection:"
"American women have individual bank accounts, yet do they feel comfortable? Open your eyes wide and see if you can find peace and unification in that situation."
In "The Day Of All Things" on June 7, 1986 he said:
"... the way many American people approach their relationships. Many women want to have their own private bank accounts. How different that is from the ideal."
In "WHO IS GOD AND WHO AM I?" on January 25, 1981 he said, "Any love that is not public minded is destructive love. Which should be more important to the couple, their savings account or their love? In some homes there are two savings accounts, one for the husband and one for the wife. When they borrow from each other they even write a receipt! If the son asks for some money, he writes a receipt and pays it back with interest. Is love cheaper than money and a piece of paper? When you are truly in love, a husband and wife are one body. Your whole body can become sacrificial, so a bank account is nothing."
In 1991 he said, "Do the Unification Church blessed couples keep separate bank accounts? I asked some members that question a while back and someone replied, 'The answer is obvious. We don't have enough money to keep separate accounts.' That is good. I salute such a situation because it is not good to separate in that way. It is a small thing, but that tells many other things about the couple. It is really unthinkable that husband and wife have two different bank accounts.'"
I rest my case.
True Family Value Seminars
In a lecture series on family values, the UC says, "From the viewpoint of the cosmos, the husband represents heaven, the Creator God, because he contains the seed. The wife represents the earth because she receives and nurtures the seed in her body. Therefore, husband and wife represent the entire cosmos, heaven and earth."
"In fulfilling these responsibilities, one person takes the
leading role as the subject partner. The
partner supports as the object partner. Usually, the man is the
subject partner by virtue of his role in society, and his wife is the
supporting object partner. There is a natural order that the man
should have a more public role and be the breadwinner. Men are
endowed with minds and bodies more fit to hard labor and to the
time-space demands of public life (irregular schedule and
The UM has another hill to climb before they reach the top to
the truth. I take exception with the wishy-washy statement that men
are "usually" the subject. It makes as much sense as saying that
abstinence before marriage is "usually" right. There are no
exceptions to that. Any exceptions to God's laws are extremely rare,
such as Jesus' mother, Mary, committing pre-marital sex. Rev. Moon's
daughter told millions of people on 60 Minutes
that he had an illegitimate child. I am open to rare exceptions, but
I don't see how America needs a woman as President, especially when
we have evil men ruling nations that have weapons of mass
destruction. Father talks about how women have tiny voices next to
the strong and commanding voice of men. How can we have a woman's
voice in the Oval Office when monstrous men are plotting the downfall
of America? Can you image Nancy Reagan negotiating with Gorbachev
instead of her husband? It is ludicrous to think women can lead men
and things will be better.
The church's lecture goes on to say, "But sometimes, the woman has the leading role and her husband is the object partner (e.g. Margaret Thatcher, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir)." Leaders are targets. Indira Gandhi was assassinated. Women are supposed to be protected, not put in situations that are dangerous. The result of feminism is the death of women and the death of femininity and the death of the family.
"Women's true liberation does not weaken the family bond. Love is true liberation, and true love strengthens the family. Women can move their husbands to their way of thinking with love and service. Betty Friedan is but one modern feminist who repented of her earlier advocacy of women's 'liberation' which impoverished family life."
they are falling into the trap of Betty Friedan. You can't have your
cake and eat it too. The ultimate goal of Friedan and her evil
friends is to get a woman to be president. This would be the ultimate
castration of men in America.
A member of the Unification Church sent a letter to the Unification News in November 1994 giving the feminist line of thought. She says that Rev. Ahn, a senior lecturer of the Divine Principle, teaches this: "Who can forget his classic explanation of masculinity and femininity? He maintains that masculinity and femininity exist only in the family, and subject and object exist in all other relationships. He cites the example of Margaret Thatcher, former prime minister of Britain. By day, she is subject to her nation, ruling Britain -- at night, she is the feminine object of her husband, bringing him tea on a platter."
Where is the logic in this?
"If Margaret
Thatcher had children in daycare, would they be the loveless, forlorn
victims of societal decay? I don't think so! They would feel loved,
bursting with pride, filled with confidence, sure that the world was
theirs for the taking."
This is not the truth. Children are suffering because of day
care. This sister says she is a working mother and like "the vast
number of families which require two incomes to make ends meet,
things are not ... clear cut." She doesn't buy the argument that day
care is harmful. She writes, "The breakdown of the family refers to
the destruction of the relationship of love between family members --
not their physical arrangement.
A career mother, who passionately loves her husband and children, who
drops her kids off for the day with an affectionate caregiver in a
stimulating play environment, is contributing to the 'disintegration
of the family and nation'? Please!" Where are these "affectionate"
"* Fulltime, at-home mothers with several children often provide less direct attention, structured educational play and fun peer interaction than a quality daycare program." I disagree.
"* Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, renowned pediatrician who urges mothers to stay home when they can, recommends that toddlers of at-home mothers enter daycare at least part-time for growth and developmental reasons." I disagree.
"* Often children relish their daycare, look forward to meeting their little playmates, and protest when it's time to leave." I disagree.
"Working, engaged, career-, mission- or accomplishment-oriented women are not the driving force in the destruction of family values." I disagree.
I do not like Dr. Brazelton and side with other doctors and social critics who show how damaging day care is such as Maggie Gallagher.
At they give a review of a book by Gallagher saying,
"The sexual revolution is killing family, marriage, and sex, contends
Maggie Gallagher. By giving motherhood a low social status, argues
Gallagher, our culture dismisses the work that family-centered
mothers perform. In the process, she attacks sacred cows with humor
and style, and demonstrates how the feminist movement (among other
forces) has failed women and children first, with men not far behind.
Judge Robert H. Bork describes ENEMIES OF EROS as 'lucid,
witty, profound and devastating. Gallagher demonstrates that our new
right-thinkthat there are no important differences between male
and femalehas proved disastrous to families and, most
especially, to women.' And Don Feder of the Boston Herald compared it
with another Blackstone classic when he wrote, 'This is the most
important book since MEN AND MARRIAGE, itself the most
significant social commentary of the last quarter century. For anyone
whos seriously interested in understanding the deterioration of
our society, it should be required reading.'
Click here to read
several articles she wrote on how bad day care is. Keep in mind that
she has attended conferences
of ours. The other side that loves day care do not come. I have read
arguments for and against day care. Both sides look at scientific
data by such researchers as Jay Belsky of Penn State, and interpret
it to prove they are right. The bottom line truth is not sociological
surveys, but common sense. Those on the Right like Gallagher simply
make more sense. What is common sense? It means something works. The
earth is round because the law of gravity works. Capitalism is better
than socialism because it works. Stay-at-home moms are better than
feminist career moms because feminist families are not as happy as
traditional families.
Nursing Homes
are not only to be stay-at-home moms to care for children but also to
care for the elderly who many times become like children. Father
constantly puts down Americans for not loving grandparents when they
put them in loveless nursing homes. And then he wants women Senators?
Who takes care of the children, grandchildren and elderly of the
female U.S. Senators? Her husband? Margaret Thatcher's husband was a
workaholic who was away from their home for long hours each day. Men
are not going to stay home and change diapers for children,
grandchildren and the diapers for grandma.
She says she is "offended by the recommendations and sensibilities" of anyone who disagrees with her. Well, she has her opinion; I have mine. What is God's opinion? I side with those who write against feminism's goal of day care. I sympathize with those women who have to leave their children to others, (especially single mothers) but I do not feel any sympathy for those women who think day care is better for their children, whether they have to use it or not. I am offended by the "sensibilities" of feminists.
makes no sense to strongly criticize feminists in one sentence and in
the next agree with their ultimate goal of getting women to dominate
men as U.S. Senators. We can't be anti-Communist in one sentence and
then sound like a communist in the next. There are some issues in
life that are black and white. Fallen man lives a life of gray, but
our goal is to build a world of absolute values. Blurring the roles
of men and women is Satan's ultimate tactic, and UC members have lost
power by not winning the battle for the family. The reason Rev.
Moon's family is dysfunctional and the UC has become stagnant instead
of a growing movement is because it has been digested with the core
value of communism -- get the women and children out of the home and
have women compete with men. When you take that logic to its
inevitable conclusion, you have divorce and women cops. If we want to
have absolute families then we need to embrace the absolute value of
the Biblical family instead of Betty Friedan's family. The UC has to
give up the idea that there is even one good thing in Marx and Engels
who are the ultimate feminists. When the UC embraces Biblical
valuesand 99% of what Rev. Moon says about men and women, it will
sweep the earth.