Susan Faludi
got upset about this trend of rejecting feminism and wrote a
best-seller book, Backlash. She tries to explain how people
like George Gilder and Allan Bloom were wrong. She writes: "In
Bloom's The Closing of the American Mind, his lament about the
'decay of the family' is, like the New Right's, really a lament over
lost traditional male authority in the home and in public life, an
authority that he believes is violently under attack. He writes
wistfully of the days when it was still believed that 'the family is
a sort of miniature body politic in which the husband's will is the
will of the whole.'"
Unlike her, the more I read of the "Right" the more I liked
them. She is a terrible role model for women because they see her as
successful and leading an interesting life, but the sad reality is
that she has never married and is barren. There are plenty on the
Right who have lousy marriages and some have never married either,
such as Bloom, but overall I see more happiness in the marriages of
the Christian Right than in Faludi's secular world. Perhaps Bloom
would have married if he was religious instead of being so academic.
The key to understanding happiness is to understand religion.
Traditional values
work. The teachings by the Andelins set me free. When I lived by the
ideals of androgyny of feminists I was less happy than when I lived
by Biblical values.
Faludi is one of the most visible feminist writers who has been
on the cover of both Time and Newsweek.
Many reviewers fall over themselves praising her, but the truth is
that her books are evil and empty of any truth. Her second
book, Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man, was also a
best-seller. She is aware that men are in a crisis, but misses
the boat when she tells the satanic lie that feminism is not the
Kathleen Parker wrote in an article titled, "Sorry, guys, Faludi is no friend of yours": "Every remark about her findings -- whether resulting from an interview with a male porn star or a confused war veteran -- was uttered with barely concealed contempt. Her smile, beguiling perhaps to men desperate for female understanding, is a coached effect designed to disguise the sneer hovering just beneath the surface."
It is feminists like Faludi who have betrayed men. It is
feminist leaders who relentlessly push their unisex agenda on men
that have worn men out and now we have emasculated, wimpy men who can
only find masculinity in watching football games. She can't see
this because the truth hurts. Women have tremendous power over
men and have crushed their
Cheryl Wetzstein is a writer for The Washington
Times. She wrote several articles about
men/women relationships. In an article in The World and I
titled "Fatherhood Deficit" she gives some of the reasons
conservatives give for the crisis in fatherhood in America, but
ignores the root cause -- patriarchy bashing. When she talks
about the Promise Keepers she leaves out that a key element to their
teaching is that men must become the head of the house and take
leadership. She gives some space to the liberals by quoting Arlene
Skolnick who say that there is a trend is toward diverse family
her review of Faludi's Stiffed she quotes Christina Hoff
Sommers saying that, "The whole notion that American men are in
crisis is 'silly ... overall, there is not a shred of evidence for
widespread malaise. ... and massive evidence that Americans as a
group are faring very well." Sommers is "silly" for saying such
nonsense. One half of all marriages fail and there is an
epidemic of fatherless homes. Wetzstein says that Faludi says
men have to find their way to "meaningful manhood."
"The goal, Miss Faludi suggests, is to shatter the old paradigm of men vs. women and 'create a new paradigm for human progress that will open doors for both sexes.'" What is Faludi's "new paradigm"? What is "meaningful manhood?" It certainly isn't patriarchy. Wetzstein does not blast Faludi because she is a feminist also. She is a member of the UC and wrote a piece in the Unification News blasting the traditional family.
writes in the September issue saying "What tasks shall fall to women
in Patriarchy? Dishwasher? Laundress? Cook? Maid? Delivery girl? I
know, a position of true royalty: Queen on the couch." She calls
patriarchal marriages a "dreary view" of life.
She writes, "Objects may be subordinate to subjects, but no one
person is always an object and no one person is always a subject. We
change positions moment by moment, and happily so."
Wrong. Men are always in the subject position and women are to
be always in the object position. True Mother is "always" on
Father's right. Cheryl mixes up give and
take with positions. Just because someone is talking to another
does not make them subject.
She says, "In my household, when my children seek to ask me a question, they are the subject and I am the object. Are they out of line by dominating that interaction? No. Have I left my position as parent when I give them my undivided attention? No. But I have become the object to their subjectivity. Is this wrong? Hardly. According to the Principle, it is the true way to have give and take." She betrays her own logic by saying that she as a mother has never left her position as parent.
Patriarchy is a belief that parents always have a vertical relationship to children and men have a vertical position to women. Cheryl is confused. She wants to always be in an authority position to her children but does not want her husband to always be the final authority in her home. This is rebellion to God's most basic law and order for the family. Children learn rebellion when wives do not submit to men's leadership.
goes on to say, "Patriarchy is a New Testament Age practice that
thankfully shall be retired forever. In its place, a true liberation
of men and women shall emerge: in the Completed Testament Age, men
and women will become one couple, as united and harmonious as two
legs, two eyes or two lungs, revolving around each other as naturally
and peacefully as people who are in love do. Couples, not just men,
will run governments, according to Dr. Lee. Parents, which means
fathers and mothers, will be leaders in society."
It is arrogant to dismiss the Bible and the wisdom of the ages. Patriarchy is not just a "New Testament Age practice." It is Old Testament Age and every culture in human history has had patriarchy such as Confucian, Buddhist, and Islamic. It is the only way men and women have ordered themselves until 1900 when communist feminism took over America. This is why the 1900s have been such a nightmare. If we are anti-Communist then we must be anti-feminist and pro-patriarchy.
I don't know what Dr. Lee's exact words are on patriarchy. I have never come across any detailed statement about how government will be from him. What little I have read, he sounds vague. If he did say what Cheryl says, then he is like virtually everyone else in the 20th century who has been digested by our culture and supports the idea of women leaving the home to take leadership over men.
Government is force. Women are not stronger in muscle or competitive will power in fighting than men and therefore should not be in a position to tell men how, when, and where to fight. Government officials supervise the use of massive force from the FBI to the CIA to the Military. Only men should deal with these life and death issues. No woman should have to study war and make decisions that will cost the lives of our warriors. Cheryl should be home taking care of her children and other children who are hurting instead of writing mush for the Washington Times and feminist garbage in the UNews. She should be using her talents to teach children the laws of God. She should be caring for the elderly. She should be cooking nutritious meals for her family so they will healthy. Obesity and heart disease are epidemic in America because women are not studying nutrition and feeding their family correctly. She should be focusing on her husband instead of spending her time at a job surrounded by other men and taking a job away from a man.
She ends her stupid and diabolical article in the UNews by
saying, "There's a famous Christian song that says: 'In Christ, there
is no East or West.' Likewise, in true-love marriages and families,
there are no static positions; instead, husbands and wives and
children and grandparents and other relatives and friends all revolve
in constantly changing, energetic, back-and-forth relationships of
love. Everyone moves from subject to object and back again like
lightning. And the result is called Joy." Joy comes from living
in the divine order of love God has for traditional
marriages. Joy comes from women always standing to the left of
their man. Circular motion means women revolving around men.
Cheryl should always be in that "static" position. There are many
feminist statements in UC literature. I haven't the time or
desire to refute them all. It is because the UC has been digested by
feminism that it has not grown and swept America.
Our mission is to teach. Words are powerful. Cheryl has gone over to the dark side and her words against patriarchy negate anything good she has written for the conservative Washington Times. Because she is consciously or unconsciously a feminist, she has sabotaged our movement. I have read a number of her articles and what is missing is a religious fervor for God's view. Because she hates patriarchy, the core value of marriage, then she is weak in her writing. What we need at the Times are strong writers with a mission for the traditional family who push for male leadership over the unisex blurring of the roles in feminism. Wetzstein deals with words. Father has spent a billion dollars on the Times so that America can hear God's words. What he gets for his money is watered down junk from a reporter who should be leading the way for God's narrow gate to marital bliss.
How many UC marriages have been damaged or destroyed by the satanic words of Wetzstein and other feminists in the UNews? How many sisters have seen her as a role model and gone on to have fewer children while they compete with men outside her home in the belief that Cheryl's lifestyle is more exciting and fulfilling and serving God more than being what she calls a disgusting "Queen of the couch?" How many brothers have been castrated by seeing her success in the workplace? The feminism in the UC hurt me. I struggled for years trying to figure out why there was such a disconnect between a movement that has the truth and the Messiah leading it and then fails to grow. Even worse, I saw members not even care that no one has joined in 25 years and the image of the UC is either a joke or dismissed as a lunatic and dangerous fringe group. I could not understand why I was not fulfilling my potential and being the kind of family man I had envisioned.
If you feel I am being too extreme in my language when I use the words "satanic" and "evil" in my criticism of the anti-patriarchy writings of Wetzstein, you are wrong. President Reagan called the Soviet Union the "Evil Empire" in a speech and the media went nuclear. They thought Reagan was nuts and dangerous. But he was right. One member told me that I have been brainwashed by the Christian Right. This makes me a cult within a cult. The laws of the universe are precise. Go against Mother Nature and Human Nature and God's way of life and you will suffer horribly. America has done just that and it has suffered beyond comprehension. The UC has honored Wetzstein and other sisters who have been put in leadership over men in State Leader positions. I had the misfortune of having several women as State Leaders. The general tone of the UC is feminist. It has been digested by this culture. It has been brainwashed by FDR and the Clintons. There is no chivalry in the UC or America anymore. The result is a declining nation and church.
Steve Hassan and Craig Maxim appear on TV and tell how the UC hurt them. But they are not aware that Satan has used feminism to hurt them in our sick culture. The UC shot itself in the foot in the 70s by living in socialist communes and then embracing feminism in the 1980s and 90s. I pray that in the new millennium the UC will awaken from its fog and see how Satan works. This is the truth and the truth hurts. I'm just the messenger. The true enemies of the UC is not the likes of Steve Hassan talking to the secular media -- both of which hasn't got a clue to what religion is. The enemy is within. It is Cheryl Wetzstein castrating men for decades at our billion dollar newspaper. Her vile words of feminism along with all the other communist articles and books in the UC are how Satan has crippled the UC. God has been more effective with conservatives such as the Mormons and Southern Baptists to get his core message of patriarchy out to his hurting children. The UC is not only not an instrument for God to use, it is pathetically a tool of Satan to preach against the Biblical family. It sides with Clinton in a denunciation of patriarchy.
It doesn't matter what Cheryl's motivation is. The path to hell has been paved with good intentions in the UC. This book is a wake-up call. I am speaking like a prophet. I am like Father's analogy of a doctor and firefighter. I am prescribing the seemingly bitter medicine of patriarchy, and the UC (which is a sick patient) will never become the mightiest force in the world until it completely reverses course and ruthlessly cuts out feminism from its teachings. It is time that the UC see it is in a state of crisis. It has fundamentally missed the meaning of the Divine Principle -- men are bones and women are flesh and they absolutely never interchange. Do you have ears to hear? There is no way to sugar coat what I have to say. It is war and things are black and white. We are to be prophets proclaiming the truth that hurts. The UC has given me a big headache for decades. I relentlessly searched and prayed for the truth to why the church is stagnant and finally I discovered the root cause of the sickness of the UC. It is feminist/socialism or communism for short.
The UC routinely violates the cornerstone of God's kingdom. It has completely missed the point of the four fallen natures. Now it is time for the UC to have a headache because of me. I am absolutely determined to make this message heard by every member and I expect it will be seen as unprincipled -- especially in the West. Satan is a master at making his ideology seem logical and good. We have to be smarter than he is. We must know the enemy and know the goal. Our main purpose is to expose Satan's lies. Feminism is a lie. Women leaving the home is the worst thing that can happen to a family. It is a slippery slope to women cops and the decline of God's nation. We are supposed to be the lighthouse for the world. So far only the Mormons, Southern Baptists, and Promise Keepers make headline news with their absolute stand for patriarchy. Cheryl despises their teachings. The UC spits on this precious teaching. I am like a voice in the wilderness in the UC, and I will never be intimidated by any leader or member who speaks against me. I am not looking for a following or statue. I only desire that everyone follow the truth. I want our church to be God's champion and win the Mormons to the Principle. I want a world of divine order for my children and grandchildren to live in. I do not want them to suffer in a confused, pathetic church like I have. A confused mind does nothing. The UC is confused and has done nothing. It is dead in the water and everybody but the UC knows it. Everyone but the UC has noticed that there has been no growth for decades. The UC members who have remained pat themselves on the back for busy work that hasn't changed virtually any lives for the Principle. I want the UC to be a monolithic movement for God that sweeps the earth in my lifetime, not a hundred years from now. I want the UC to get its act together before China gets nuclear weapons and we have another communist superpower like the Soviet Union was.
A germ has invaded the UC. This deadly virus is the words and lifestyle of Cheryl Wetzstein and all the other feminists in the UC. Dear Reader, you have a clear choice. Either Mrs. Wetzstein is correct or I am. There is no gray area and we cannot say that you can do either one. There are only two highways to go down -- my way or her way. Either the man is absolutely the head of the house and is the sole provider or he is not. Either Cheryl's life is glamorous and interesting or it is satanic and castrating. Even in the transition to the kingdom we cannot violate God's laws and not suffer unbelievable torture. The ends do not justify the means. Women should not have left their homes by the millions in World War II to work in factories to build tanks and bullets. The result was disastrous for the family. Satan's deadliest champions were Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, not Hitler. They had no marriage and by the time they finished mesmerizing America for socialist/feminism there were no real marriages in America. Satan final tactic is to destroy the family.
The battle between the sexes makes World War II look tiny and insignificant. God speaks clearly through Sun Myung Moon about how women want to usurp man's position of being subject. The result is that the Divine Principle is not studied in every classroom and talked about at every dinner table. No one even knows it exists even though it has been in America for over 40 years. I am doing my best to expose the viciousness of feminism and the magnificent goodness of patriarchy. One sister swore at me for saying that women should not be cops and demanded that I get off my soapbox. Well, I'm not interested in a soapbox, I'm doing what the Bible tells us to do and shouting it from the housetops. With the Internet I can be in every house. I have put all my books on the web for free. Eventually I will have videos in every language. I have already had some members from a number of countries email and say they want to use my Principle. If anyone would like to help publish and translate my books, please email me and let me know your thoughts.
Unlike so many members I was humble to Christianity and others who taught the wisdom that God had given in the past. I discovered that the UC had thrown the baby out with the bathwater when it came to fundamental Christians. As frustrating as they are about the second coming, world government and abortion, they are right on target about the patriarchal traditional family. Cheryl and the UC should humble themselves to the truths of the Biblical family. Ever since I did, I have continually grown in joy and harmony in my family. Since my wife and I gave up the feminism that dominates the UC we have found true happiness. We want to share the good news of the Biblical family to this hurting movement and to this hurting world that gets worse every day because, like President Clinton, they have rejected the precious and beautiful ideology of the traditional family. Clinton does not know the joy of family like the men on Mt. Rushmore knew. They were strong men who had great families. Their wives were happy and did not feel they were in a "box" as UC members think men and women are who align themselves with patriarchy.
Unfortunately, Father gives mixed messages. He praises working women who achieve in the workplace and then blasts those same women for wanting to be bones instead of soft flesh.
Patriarchy Works
Helen Andelin says, "Experience with thousands of women has proved that these teachings bring the results claimed .... Results have been unbelievable. Women who have thought they were happy before have found a new kind of romantic love come to their marriages. Women who felt neglected and unloved have seen their marriages blossom into love and tenderness, and women who have all but despaired over their situations have found the same happy results. Time and experience have proved these teachings to be true, that whenever these principles are applied, women can be loved; honored and adored, marriages flourish, and homes are made happier."
"The first step to a happy marriage is to understand that all life is governed by law -- nature, music, art, and all of the sciences. These laws are immutable. To live in harmony with them produces health, beauty, and the abundant life. To violate them brings ugliness and destruction. Just as unwavering are the laws of human relationships. These laws are in operation even though you may not understand them. You may be happy in marriage because you obey them, or you may be unhappy because you violate them without an awareness of the laws in operation."
ignorance of the laws of marriage relationships, much
unnecessary unhappiness exists. We find one woman happy, honored, and
loved; and another -- no less attractive, no less admirable, no less
lovable -- neglected, unhappy, and disappointed. Why? This book
explains why, for it teaches the laws she must obey if she is to be
loved, honored, and adored. Fascinating Womanhood will
teach you how to be happy in marriage."
Art Buchwald wrote once,"It's not easy being a man today ... there has to be something between macho and wimp." Helen Andelin's husband's book Man of Steel and Velvet explains how men can walk the line between the extremes. True Father, of course, lives it perfectly.
If you had to bet $10,000 between families that lived Mrs. Andelin's beliefs where women did not work and families who lived by feminist's beliefs where women worked, which would you choose as being the happier and having more children? Let's start off by comparing the authors of pro-patriarchy books with those of anti-patriarchy books. If you bet your ten thousand dollars on Helen Andelin and her group instead of Betty Friedan and her group you would easily win.
19th century marriages vs. 20th century marriages
you had to bet your $10,000 between those U.S. presidents and first
ladies who consciously believed in the traditional Judeo-Christian
view of the roles of men and women(which is similar to Confucian,
Buddhist, Islamic and every other religious belief for the last 5,000
years) to those who consciously believe in feminism. You will only
find presidents who believe in feminism in the 20th century. Let's
start by comparing the Victorian Teddy Roosevelt to his 20th century
cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR encouraged married women to
work as Rosie the riveters. There were political cartoons that his
wife, Eleanor, who feminists adore, wore the pants in their house.
They had a loveless marriage. He committed adultery and died in his
mistress's arms while Eleanor was doing her thing in another
Teddy Roosevelt, on the other hand, had a happy marriage. He deeply loved his wife, Alice. There was romance. Just before he married her he sent a letter saying, "Dearest love ... Oh my darling, I do hope and pray I can make you happy. I shall try very hard to be as unselfish and sunny tempered as you are, and I shall save you from every care I can. My own true love, you have made my happiness almost too great; and I feel I can do so little for you in return. I worship you so that it seems almost desecration to touch you; and yet when I am with you I can hardly let you a moment out of my arms. My purest queen, no man was worthy of your love; but I shall try very hard to deserve it, at least in part." A biographer wrote, "Always the proper Victorian, Theodore drew a discreet curtain over the wedding night. 'Our intense happiness is too sacred to be written about,' he noted tersely in his diary." The biographer writes this about their first few days of being married:" In the evenings, they curled up before the fire and he read aloud from The Pickwick Papers, Quentin Durward, and the poems of Keats. ... Eleven days later, they were enthusiastically welcomed to the Roosevelt home by his mother and sisters and took up residence in the apartment set aside for them on the third floor. Theodore immediately assumed the role of head of the family and presided over the dinner table. Were the couple, she finishing her teens and he just out of them, happy with this arrangement? Very -- according to Theodore's diary. "I can never express how I love her," he wrote.
I studied many books and diaries of Victorian marriages and this pattern of the husband and wife being deeply in love and reading together at night was common. One example was Sarah Hale who was deeply in love with her husband. It is incredibly romantic with touching tenderness. He died young, and she spent her life writing marriage manuals which say the same things that Fascinating Womanhood says. She is the person who wrote "Mary had a little lamb" and was the lady who convinced Abraham Lincoln to proclaim Thanksgiving a holiday. She writes of how she and her husband had read to each other every night. Feminists have poisoned us against Victorians. Father writes like a Victorian. He lives like one. Happy marriage with lots of kids in a big house. Teddy Roosevelt standing over a huge fish he has caught is like pictures of Father standing next to a huge tuna he has caught. True Mother and Alice Roosevelt praise their husbands and are their biggest supporters.
Catton is a distinguished historian of the Civil War. He writes about
love between Ulysses Grant and his wife, Julia: "they shared one of
the great, romantic, beautiful loves of American history." Her
autobiography "spins a story of romantic love, of happiness, of
contentment, and there is no reason to doubt that she worked hard to
make this possible both for herself and 'my dear Ulys.'" The
prevailing belief in the 19th century was that women were queens. The
Victorians didn't always live up to their ideals, but they at least
tried. How many American and UC wives can say they are treated like
these 19th century wives in their old fashioned patriarchal
Mt. Rushmore
The four men on Mt. Rushmore are Victorians who loved
their wives. If we compare Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and
Roosevelt who believed in limited government and patriarchy
(although Teddy Roosevelt was weakening on these Victorian values) to
four presidents of the 20th century, FDR, Johnson, Kennedy and
Clinton, (socialists/feminists) we find the first four had happy
marriages; the other four committed adultery. The 19th century had
fewer divorces and more children than the feminist 20th century. I
find it interesting that in the 19th century the wedding ring was on
the right hand, and the 20th century places it on the left.
Thomas Jefferson wrote about marital relationships. To him, it was the most important thing. And it is. Father focuses on it. The 20th century places more importance on politics than family and community. Here is a little snippet of Jefferson writing of marriage in a letter: "Harmony in the married state is the very first object to be aimed at. Nothing can preserve affections uninterrupted but a firm resolution never to differ in will, and a determination in each to consider the love of the other as of more value than any object whatever on which a wish had been fixed. How light, in fact, is the sacrifice of any other wish, when weighed against the affections of one with whom we are to pass our whole life." He goes on to explain how men and women can find harmony. I don't have time to quote him fully. There are so many points to learn from others on how to achieve success in marital relationships. The best books on this are the Andelins.
It is incorrect to think that in the Completed Testament Age men will not be patriarchs. Some truths will continue. Feminists keep experimenting but they just make matters worse. Mary Daly, the feminist theologian, writes what I guess all feminists feel: "As the women's movement begins to have its effect upon the fabric of society, transforming it from patriarchy into something that never existed before -- into a diarchal situation that is radically new -- it can become the greatest single challenge to the major religions of the world, Western and Eastern. Beliefs and values that have held sway for thousands of years will be questioned as never before." The only result of someone who believes such nonsense is tragedy. Daly, for example, lives a lesbian lifestyle. Nothing will replace the traditional family. Terms used in the church like Parentism, Familyism, Headwing, and Godism mean an ideal world of traditional families. We are not pioneering new relationships between men and women, but building a world where every person will have a traditional family. Feminism has castrated so many men and kept them from having the confidence to stand up for God's values.
Man is center
has said countless times that men are subjects and women are objects,
and they never change positions. He says, "You should feel the family
standard keenly. Man is the subject and he should stand in the
center. The subject should stand in the position of subject, not that
of object. The center should be protected and it shouldn't be at an
odd angle. He is in the position of God." It is clear that these
positions are not interchangeable. Father often says man is the plus
and woman is the minus and these opposite attract and create circular
love. They don't change positions. They simply have give and take.
Father says, "When a man wants to give to woman and woman wants to
give to man in a perfect plus and minus relationship, their love will
circulate smoothly." The Principle says the proton is in the center,
and the electron revolves around it. If you mix up the plus and
negative poles of a battery when trying to jump start a car, it will
destroy the battery and may even explode and kill you. You don't
fight mother nature. The same is true for the family. The feminists
have experimented with other forms of marriages, but they all
explode. In the Completed Testament Age men will be perfect
patriarchs, perfect leaders. There has never been a society in all of
human history that has not been patriarchal. The anthropologist
Steven Goldberg wrote a book on this called The Inevitability of
Patriarchy which he later revised to Why Men Rule. He says
it is as innate a concept as the family and the incest taboo. The
sexual revolution of the 20th century has experimented with different
kinds of relationships, and human-kind has never experienced such
suffering as those in this century.
Lionel Tiger studied the Israeli communities. George Gilder wrote of his work saying, "women in Israeli kibbutzim have increasingly insisted on the maintenance of traditional roles. Despite a fervent initial commitment by the founders to socialist unisex theories, an intensive study covering some forty years, three generations, and 100,000 men and women showed that each successive generation moved more decisively toward traditional roles. Today the kibbutzim show the most distinct sex roles in Israeli society."
Men and Women are not Interchangeable
the Israelis and so many others who have tried to substitute
something for patriarchy, America will give it up as I did. I hope
this book helps to speed up the process because it hurts to see
America wandering in a socialist/feminist fog for the last 70 years.
The UC must not go down this road. Years ago a brother, Jonathan
Wells, said in a church publication, Lifestyle: "Despite the
patriarchal inheritance and the Confucian inheritance, I want to
point out that Divine Principle is distinct from them and it has some
quite novel elements to it ... in this relational mode that we are
talking about, subject and object positions and masculine and
feminine positions can be interchanged, and often are interchanged.
That is, once a subject-object relationship is established, in the
language of the Divine Principle it begins to 'revolve,' and there is
no relationship that is static in the sense of one position always
subordinate to other position." [One sister told me it was a
"fluid" relationship.]
With all due respect to this UC intellectual, this is pure Communism.
Satan is a master at tricking people. He has this UC brother teach
that when subjects and objects relate they change positions when all
they do is have give and take. Give and take creates love, not people
changing positions. I am my baby's Dad. We have give and take, and
there is love. Never do we change positions, and she becomes Dad and
I become a baby. A judge and a lawyer are subject and object. When
the lawyer talks to the judge do they change positions and now the
lawyer becomes the judge? Of course not. They never change positions.
They are simply having give and take. At no time does the judge give
up his power. If he doesn't like what he hears he will stop the
lawyer from talking. He is the guide. He is the boss. If he ever
changed positions, there would be chaos. America has accepted the
communist/feminist ideology that rejects the ancient "static"
position of man as the head of the house, and now we have chaos. Now
we have a "Fatherless America" as David Blankenhorn so movingly
writes in his book.
Definition of "act"
criticizes American women for leaving their position of object. He
teaches that true love comes when people are in order: "Women in the
Unification Church should clearly know that the man is subject and
woman is object." He doesn't say that they ever switch. He says if
they will become one if the man is plus and the woman is minus: "Love
does not come unless there is a subject-object relationship. Is man
plus or minus? (Plus.) What about woman? Is woman plus or minus?
(Plus.) You answered both sides are plus; that's why you just want to
receive love instead of giving." He keeps pounding away explaining
that opposites attract. He teaches, "When man wants to give to woman
and woman wants to give to man in a perfect plus and minus
relationship, their love will circulate smoothly."
He goes on saying: "You women, tell me, are you in the minus or the plus position? Do you say, 'No, I do not accept the minus role! I want women to be in the plus position!' Even if you proclaimed, 'I am a plus!' for a million years, the universe would not accept that." It is crystal clear to me that he is saying men and women are not interchangeable. He says,"You might chant to yourself over and over, I am going to become a man,' but nevertheless you will look at yourself and see that you are still a woman. That is absolute. Man is a man; woman is a woman. You cannot change it -- forever; here on earth and in the hereafter. Is that too tedious for you?" Father says,"Did you say, 'I believe in religion because I want to bring about a revolution in the very order of the universe! We women will become men and the men will become women'? No matter how much you might proclaim such a revolution, the universe will just laugh at you and say, 'No way. Impossible.' The 'laws of the dialectic' cannot be applied in those circumstances."
men, no matter how much you might try to become somebody other than
yourselves, you cannot do it. Do you say,"We are all created equal,
so men and women should be exactly the same'?
Can you act one day like a woman in your relationships and another
day like a man? Yes or no?"Father
says "No." Father is
explaining that to be equal does not mean to be the same. Equality
means value, not positions. He says,"When God created human beings
equal, that means they are equal in the highest possible goal -- the
achievement of love. In that realm, men and women are absolutely
equal: they are the children of God, period."
The context of Father's speech clearly says subjects (especially men) are not to act, resemble, do, look, dress, work (or whatever word you want to use) like women. I quote numerous Christian authors who say the same thing. This doesn't mean that men and women have absolutely nothing in common. There are elements of masculine in women and elements of feminine in men. Women have some testosterone. The Principle teaches that human beings can imitate the sounds of animals. We resemble monkeys in some ways. But that does not mean that humans "act" like monkeys and monkeys act like humans. God is principled. He made opposites attract. Vive la difference. Father says there are boundaries. There is order.
common argument of feminism is that women need to get into the
marketplace and compete with men because men need to be balanced by
women there. Father teaches that true balance is when subject and
object keep their positions. We become off balance when we are
disorderly. Like Father says, a plus will always be a plus. A man
will always be a man. Anything else, he says, is perversion. It is
sloppy thinking to say men are not in touch with their feminine part
that is gentle and seeks cooperation, and that women need to get in
touch with their masculine part and be more aggressive and
competitive. Women have a little sense of what is aggressive and
competitive because if they didn't
they couldn't understand and
appreciate and marvel at men. Men have a sense of the maternal, of
appreciating the home and feeding children. But they
can't nurse. It is amazing to
men to see how women can spend so many hours with babies. Men are
made to have some feelings for this and therefore love the woman for
being so gentle day and night with infants and grateful for her
because he can't do that and
it must be done.
says men and women have roles. I wish I had space to give many quotes
of father on how men and women are different. You have, I'm sure,
read many yourself. This is a representative one where Father
illuminates spiritual qualities from physical characteristics. He
teaches how these words apply to women. Women are not to have power
in the marketplace but to exercise feminine power in the home and
when it comes to competition, Father says men can't
even begin to compete with women when it comes to loving children.
Father makes it very clear in so many speeches that he is
competitive. He is always saying the UC must have a
"superior" standard to the
outside world. For him to say he loses to Mother is not a light
statement. But then nothing he says is light. I read and reread
Father everyday. And over the years it still amazes me to see new
things, new depths, incredible nuances that I didn't
see before or later speeches give. He always talks about the same
things, but you might as well say Spielberg makes the same old thing
-- movies. The following is a typical passage of Father on men/women
relationships: "Women are to assume two roles. First, in giving birth
to children women need a strong foundation, and second, they will be
living most of their lives in a sitting position, so God provided
built-in cushions. Men have narrow hips without cushions because men
are supposed to take the initiative and always be in action. A woman
is to be objective, receiving grace from her husband and always
sitting home comfortably waiting for him. That is the way it should
be. At the same time a man should be masculine, and that is why he
has broad shoulders and strong arms. Going out into the world is the
man's role."
have a maternal instinct to deeply love children more than men. He
says, "Father cannot compete with Mother in loving a child. Because
the mother pours out power more than anyone else and suffers more
than anyone else in bearing a child, she more than anyone else loves
the child. In this respect, woman occupies the eminent and precious
position in the realm of emotion. No matter how much the father loves
his baby, he doesn't know love as much as the mother does. Therefore,
women will go to the Kingdom of Heaven of heart. Understanding this,
it is not too bad to be born a woman. God is fair." This kind of
explanation is reminiscent of Victorian love for large families and
the special regard they had for women caring for children
fundamental differences between men and women balance out and
complement each other. Feminists are so fanatic about making the
sexes into some kind of unisex thing that they get all excited about
building a new world where there is total equality or sameness. Phil
Donahue wrote a book called The Human Animal in which he
predicts that in the coming brave new world of feminists that men
will nurse babies. He quotes from a well-known liberal scientist,
John Money, that scientists in the future will be able to operate on
men and make their breasts able to produce milk. This is the kind of
grotesque thinking that the slippery slope of feminism takes people.
Father is into absolute values.
key word for socialists/feminists, as I've
written often in this book, is "equality."
Father says we are equal in value, but equality doesn't
mean we are equal in sameness. Father sees relationships as being
fundamentally vertical, not horizontal. In his speech quoted above,
Father goes on to say that even though we are all
"equal," there is still a
vertical relationship between people. He says,"Let's
say that your grandparents live in your home. Should your grandfather
be seated in the lowest, most humble place, or in the highest place?
What about God, then? As you know, God is the oldest Granddad for
everybody, without question. Then shouldn't
God have the highest seat of all? Is that an easy place or a
difficult one? Can you say to God, 'Please
come down. I want to be up there and You come down to my
constantly blasts Western women for acting like men. He says, "The
sickness of American women" is due to a reversal of roles. Notice
that he will use the word "power": "The master of the American family
is woman. Men are overpowered by women in the family. The man dresses
the woman instead of the woman dressing the man. (Note that he
doesn't say that men "sometimes" dress the woman). It is total
inversion. When the husband comes home from work, the wife who has
spent idle time at home commands the man to do things. If the wife
greets her husband with a joyful, welcoming heart and invites him to
eat right away, happiness dwells with the family."