Best-selling author Francis Fukuyama is bold in proclaiming
that history has had a goal
that culminates in democratic capitalism. His book The End of
History and the Last Man generated a lot of discussion in the
intellectual community. He is correct in that the goal of history is
democracy and capitalism. In his book Trust: The Social Virtues
and the Creation of Prosperity he is also correct in seeing that
democracy and capitalism are not enough for a prosperous society. A
nation must also have strong religious and ethical values which is
what the Founding Fathers of America said and Fukuyama quotes. He is
also correct in being on the conservative side and not for big
Francis Fukuyama
writes like Adam Smith who praised capitalism in Wealth of
Nations and then praised morality in Theory of Moral
Sentiments. The two motifs in his book is that democracy and
capitalism are the end result of politics and economics, but they can
only work if people have good morals, habits and ethics. People want
to have freedom to make money, but they also want what he calls
"recognition": "The satisfaction we derive from being connected to
others in the workplace grows out of a fundamental human desire for
recognition. As I argued in The End of History and the Last
Man, every human being seeks to have his or her dignity
recognized by other human beings. Indeed, this drive is so deep and
fundamental that it is one of the chief motors of the entire human
historical process." He says in the past "kings and princes fought
bloody battles with one another for primacy." Now the fight for
recognition is in "economic activity" which "represents a crucial
part of social life and is knit together by a wide variety of norms,
rules, moral obligations, and other habits that together shape the
is against big government and for high standards of morality and
ethics: "Over the past generation, economic thought has been
dominated by neoclassical or free market economists, associated with
names like Milton Friedman, Gary Becker, and George Stigler. The rise
of the neoclassical perspective constitutes a vast improvement from
earlier decades in this century, when Marxists and Keynesians held
sway. We can think of neoclassical economics as being, say, eighty
percent correct: it has uncovered important truths about the
nature of money and markets because its fundamental model of
rational, self-interested human behavior is correct about eighty
percent of the time. But there is a missing twenty percent of human
behavior about which neoclassical economics can give only a poor
account. As Adam Smith well understood, economic life is deeply
embedded in social life, and it cannot be understood apart from the
customs, morals, and habits of the society in which it occurs. In
short, it cannot be divorced from culture."