He says "information gurus from Alvin and Heidi Toffler and George Gilder to Vice President Al Gore and House Speaker Newt Gingrich" see power being decentralized "from the constraints of the centralized, tyrannical organizations." But he also says, "Hierarchies are necessary because people cannot be trusted at all times to live by internalized ethical rules and do their fair share."
He gives a dramatic example to show the difference between the East and West on how they view authority. "A car commercial shown on American television portrays a young girl sitting in an oppressive classroom, being told by a stern teacher in a monotonous voice over and over to 'draw between the lines.' The scene suddenly cuts to the same girl as a young woman -- shown now in color rather than black and white -- driving her own car with the top down and the wind ruffling her hair. She not only fails to stay within the lines of the highway but is shown having the time of her life driving off-road across an open field. Though the makers of the commercial did not include this detail, her car might well have sported a bumper sticker reading 'Question Authority.' The same commercial, were it produced in Asia, would likely portray a sympathetic teacher showing the girl how to draw carefully between the lines. The girl, after patient practice, would do so with the utmost precision. Only then would she be rewarded with a new car, whose bumper sticker would read 'Respect Authority.'"
This is one of the reasons there are so few members in the American UC and most are in Japan. Steve Hassan sees respect for authority as unnatural. Anti-moon and anti-cultists fear strong leaders. There is some truth to this, but there is also the danger of too much individualism. When feminists were able to brainwash America to take "obey" out of the marriage ceremony, they effectively made it extremely difficult for the messiah to come to America and not be seen as a tyrant. When patriarchy is taken out of the family then there is little chance for people to accept the ultimate patriarch -- the Messiah who wants to lead the family of man. The awesome task of the first pioneers of the UC to America in 1959 and 1960 was to write best-selling books that would counter the satanic garbage from Betty Friedan, Helen Gurley Brown and Hugh Hefner. God worked through Helen Andelin whose masterpiece, Fascinating Womanhood, became a best seller, but she paled in comparison to the massive cultural influence of Friedan who castrated an already weak male population. Miss Kim was the first to come and she didn't have a clue to what a man and woman are. Her little book, Divine Principle and It's Application, said nothing about how men and women are to relate and even left out much of the formal Principle itself.
An early member of the UC in America, Nancy Hanna, wrote a
glowing review of Andelin's book in a church publication and the book
became popular in the UC. But Satan invaded again and possessed Nancy
to say Andelin was too extreme about her stand that women stay home
and do not compete with men outside the home. Sadly, the UC became
digested by the feminist rebellion against patriarchy. The UC has not
produced one piece of literature or video to counter the feminist
revolution. You cannot go into any library and find one thing by any
UC member that boldly confronts Friedan. Feminists rule, not
Unificationists. In the battle of the books, Friedan won by a
landslide. The UC is so pathetic that no one discusses the Divine
Principle at the dinner table and no students study Sun Myung Moon in
any high school or college class. Rev. Moon should be the dominate
intellectual in America and in the world. His huge volumes of
speeches should be in every home. He should be quoted in the media
and honored by professors as the greatest mind in human history. The
life changing
power of the Principle and the face of True Parents should be on the
cover of every magazine instead of the Satanic Eve's -- Madonna and
Goldie Hawn -- who spit on marriage and then are called "wise" on the
covers of magazines that everyone sees.
Fukuyama hasn't got a clue that Sun Myung Moon's words should be part of the great conversation of leaders in the academia and power in every society. He doesn't know that a culture of pure trust is coming based on the awesome revelations God has given to the Messiah. Why? Because the followers of Moon are in a fog. Mention patriarchy and many go into a coronary. I pray to God they can someday wake up from the spell of Friedan and crush her ideology of anti-patriarchy.
I pray they can embrace laissez-faire capitalism and have the guts to
take out the word socialism from the official DP book. Fukuyama sees
that capitalism is better than socialism unlike some in the UC. He
writes that it is very important that a culture have good religious
values if capitalism is to work. "This was the central argument of
Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,
which showed that the early Puritans, seeking to glorify God alone
and renouncing the acquisition of material goods as an end in itself,
developed certain virtues like honesty and thrift that were extremely
helpful to the accumulation of capital. An argument central to this
book is similar to Weber's: there are ethical habits, such as the
ability to associate spontaneously, that are crucial to
organizational innovation and therefore to the creation of wealth.
Different types of ethical habits are conducive to alternative forms
of economic organization and lead to large variation in economic
Fukuyama will be surprised to learn that God has a goal of a one world culture and a central argument of this little book is that every person, including Fukuyama and all the other influential thinkers in America, will have to give up their habit of living in isolated nuclear families in suburbs with fences between houses and live in spiritual co-housing communities and eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with their neighbors every day. The first step is for Unificationists to understand this and pioneer the way.
Boy Scouts
He is right to emphasize the word "trust." The Boy Scout code
of behavior places trust at the top of its list of 12 values. I
remember pledging every week publicly to be "trustworthy"
at meetings I went to as a young boy on my way to being an Eagle
Scout. Some of my sons are Eagle Scouts and it saddens me to see how
feminists attack the traditional values of scouting and most people
don't care. The UC needs to bring back the sense of community that
America has gotten away from. Fukuyama says that "From the moment of
its founding up through its rise at the time of World War I as the
world's premier industrial power, the United States was anything but
an individualistic society." It is a myth that the core ideology was
"rugged individualism." Tocqueville noticed that there was a very
strong sense of local private organizations that made communities
tight-knit. Socialists/feminists destroyed this. Fukuyama does not
know why it ended at the time of World War I. We explain what
happened in our book 1920.
Sadly America is becoming more and more individualistic because of the power of socialists like Michael Harrington and feminists like Betty Friedan whose books have turned America toward big government instead of patriarchal homes and communities. Fukuyama says "the state [has] become an enemy of many communal organizations. Virtually all communities saw their authority weakened" by big government. Harrington and Friedan love Uncle Sam, not Ozzie Nelson.
"As an example of the difficulties that communal institutions face, consider the Boy Scouts, an organization founded as a Christian group intended to inculcate 'manly' virtues like courage, self-reliance, and fortitude in boys. In subsequent times, it has been sued by Jews for excluding non-Christians, by women for admitting boys, and by gay rights groups for excluding homosexual scout masters. The organization, as a result, has become fairer and less exclusive, but in the process of becoming as diverse as the American population, it has lost those features that made it a strong moral community."
This is the reason Steve Hassan and so many in America have attacked Rev. Moon. As decades have gone by and Rev. Moon has proven himself by the test of time, some leaders around the world are seeing his goodness. But America is basically scared to death of anyone or any organization that is "strong." Satan has disparaged patriarchy -- strong leadership. Men cannot be very aggressive or goal oriented. Bill Gates is blasted by Senators who make him sit in front of them as they tell him he is too big and powerful. Rev. Moon is seen like a Hitler because only a megalomaniac could ask for such things as "absolute sex" instead of "free sex." America has thrown out the baby with the bathwater. They do not understand that men of God should be strong and dynamic and push for the highest commitment and standards. Fukuyama tries to teach America that right politics such as free enterprise goes a long way, but we must also see the value of religious values. "Given the close relationship between religion and community in American history, Americans need to be more tolerant of religion and aware of its potential social benefits. Many educated people have a distaste for certain forms of religiosity, particularly that of Christian fundamentalists, and believe themselves above such dogmas. But they need to look to religion's social consequences in terms of promoting the American art of association."