The leader of the Latter Day Saints, Gordon Hinkley, is called a prophet by the millions who are also known as Mormons. He made a major statement in their church that says the basis of family is that men lead and provide for their families. He and his wife are also happy examples of patriarchy. These churches do not let women lead men in the church.
In 1995 the church issued "A Proclamation to the World" from Hinkley and the "Twelve Apostles." These 13 men made a firm stand for men leading and providing for their families. It is a beautiful statement inspired by God. It is very important that God's truth be written. Father wants us to read him and other church literature everyday as a family. Words are everything. The truth must be written, lived and proclaimed. In the following excerpt from their proclamation, we read that men lead and provide while women care are homemakers. I wish they would make as strong a stand as the Andelin's do that, ideally, women should never leave the home and work and lead men.
Growing Churches and Happy Wives
churches are growing by leaps and bounds. Millions are joining
because they touch the heart with the wholesomeness of traditional
families. We pray the UC will wake up to how God is working through
these religious movements and how God has not been able to work
through the UC to gain members for the last 40 years.
Because of Satan's mind control, most women hate the very word patriarchy. The connotation is one of slave master and slave. The truth is the very opposite. The men and women in the organizations mentioned are happy because there is Godly masculine leadership. Feminists have castrated men and the result has been a crisis in the family. God's way seems unnatural to this world ruled by Satan. The truth hurts. But the truth sets us free to fulfill our potential and know God. We go into great detail about patriarchy and the role of men and women in our book Cultural War Since 1848. You can read the entire book at our website
In One
Home At a Time Dennis Rainey calls for a spiritual housecleaning
-- a revolution that will restore men "to assume the role of godly
patriarch" in the family. He has what he calls "The Family Manifesto"
and he encourages everyone to sign. America is in danger because men
have been "emasculated, feminized, and redefined" and are now
confused about what a true man is. He writes that "We have lost the
clear distinctives in male and female roles. "And God created man in
His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He
created them" (Genesis 1:27). Over the last three decades, the lines
between manhood and womanhood have grown more opaque and convoluted.
This gender blending has resulted in fewer and fewer people
recognizing the unique roles of men and women and increasing social
confusion. John Piper details the consequences [in 'A Vision of
Biblical Complementarity,' in Recovering Biblical Manhood &
Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism] 'The tendency
today is to stress the equality of men and women by minimizing the
unique significance of our maleness and femaleness. But this
depreciation of male and female personhood is a great loss. It is
tremendous toll on generations of young men and women who do not know
what it means to be a man or a woman. ... The consequence of this
confusion ... is more divorce, more social awkwardness, and more
emotional distress and suicide that come with the loss of God-given
Rainey says the feminist movement "completely redrew the lines and blurred the distinction between masculinity and femininity. If you go to any high school or college classroom today and ask women, 'What is your primary goal in life?' very few will respond by saying, 'To be a wife and a mother.'" How many of the children think like this from the second generation in the UC?
"A Family Reformation will not occur without recognition of the
unique, biblically prescribed responsibilities of men and women in
the marriage relationship. Among other things,
the Bible champions the husband's role as a servant-leader and the
wife's role as a lover-helper. Tragically, many Christian men have
failed to lead, love, and serve their wives. Many Christian women,
too, recognize their failure to lovingly support and encourage their
husbands and to nurture their children. There is a stirring within
both to return to the truth of Scripture."
"For almost three decades, the feminist movement has undermined the family by blurring the lines between manhood and womanhood. Families are suffering today because the Christian community has significantly conformed to feminist ideology. This philosophical intrusion has left its mark: Many Christian parents are not training their sons and daughters to become godly husbands and fathers, wives and mothers.
feminist 'Trojan horse" called equality has been pushed (and in some
cases even welcomed) into the church. A thousand lies have invaded
our families, paralyzing men and seducing women. Left in the wake of
this ideology is a generation of Christian young people who are
sexually confused and more committed to careers than family.
"A Family Reformation will reestablish the biblical mandate of defined masculine and feminine roles."
In Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood the authors give an excellent illustration to show the ridiculousness of of 50-50 equality: "Every wife knows that something is amiss in a man's manhood if he suggests that she get out of bed 50 percent of the time at night to see what the strange noise is downstairs."
says, "For the last 30 years, men and women in our culture have run
blindly into the jaws of something dangerous and life threatening: a
deliberate and voracious [philosophy] called feminism
[that] has devoured families and imperiled children.
Promising freedom, rights, and liberation, feminist doctrine has
blurred the lines between male and female, seduced the church,
confused a whole generation of young adults."
"Why is feminism such a threat? Why must we Christians denounce, and even root out, the tenets of feminist ideology in our homes, churches, and communities?" He gives some reasons saying, "Driven by this subversive philosophy, millions of American women have sprung from the 'trap' of motherhood and marriage into the 'liberating' surroundings of the workplace. Career-minded mothers have surrendered their children to day-care, believing they could have it all -- success at work and at home. Many other mothers have been forced by their husbands to join the workforce -- often at the expense of their children -- for the sole purpose of a desirable lifestyle."
"Never before in our nation's history has a woman's role centered on economics and the fulfillment of a career -- at the expense of the family. Because of this focus, our national birth rate has slid to only 1.7 births per couple, the lowest in history."
Because Rainey does not know Father and therefore God's goal of an ideal world where there are only absolute values, he sabotages everything he says with one sentence. He writes, "I am not opposed to women having the opportunity to use their God-given gifts and abilities to pursue careers outside of marriage and the home." This one statement is a crack in the door that feminists fling open. If you give evil an inch it will take a mile. Saying that some women should have careers after speaking so forcefully for so many pages about men being castrated by feminism is schizoid. I see this all the time in Christian writings. They always inject the politically correct idea that some women should work. The truth is that no woman has "God-given gifts and abilities to pursue careers outside" of the home. The home is the only career a woman should have. It is abnormal for women to be in the subject position. Rainey has shot himself in the foot just as the UC has done. And the ends don't justify the means, either. Even in the transition to the ideal world women should pray and do everything possible to make sure they are provided for and protected by men their entire life. God wants the families and the church, not individual women and the state, to care for women and children.
Rainey says "Feminist ideology pervades and poisons our culture. ... "the Christian community has failed to challenge much of feminist ideology with the clear teaching of Scripture." Sadly, Rainey is not "clear" because of his one feminist sentence that is like one cancerous cell that will grow to kill everything.