John Stossel
John Stossel had an excellent TV special on how science shows the deep differences between masculinity and femininity. He challenges many politically correct views but ends wimpy because he does not know the absolute roles as taught by many Christians. The following is from a review of his program from ABC News:
MEN, WOMEN AND THE SEX DIFFERENCE Are boys In a provocative one-hour ABCNEWS special, John
Stossel raises questions about the nature/nurture debate,
seeks to discover if many parents gut instincts -- and
the findings of many researchers Stossel looks first at how the womens movement fought to achieve equal pay for equal work, affirmative action, and equal opportunity. But he notes that despite enormous achievements in these areas, 25 years later full gender equality still hadnt arrived. Why? One explanation is that little boys and girls were still being influenced by sexist messages -- on television, at toy stores, in the home. Thats what I was taught, and I believed it, says Stossel, until I had kids. Stossel talks with parents who tried to give their children a gender-neutral upbringing and shows experiments conducted by psychologists and scientists that illustrate different brain functions, hormone differences and other male-female disparities. He interviews some who say affirmative action rules that push women into strength jobs like fire fighting and combat are a mistake. And he takes criticism from feminists such as Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug and Gloria Allred, who question whether the issue of gender differences should even be raised. Ultimately, Stossel argues that we must not allow the social engineers to force us to behave as if were all the same. Since there are real differences between the sexes, he says, Why not celebrate them rather than deny that they exist? |
The trend is for women to give up the madness of the feminist experiment and return home. The BBC reported in 2000 in an article titled "Mothers Shun Careers For Baby" that "a third of working mothers are leaving full-time jobs for part-time positions or giving up altogether. The study deals a blow to government initiatives to encourage mothers back into the workforce." I can't help mention here that government is one of the worst obstacles to people ordering their lives. They go on to say, "The research has also established strong links between children whose mothers are not around during infancy and poorer exam results later in life. ... One mother, Cathy Schofield, gave up a successful publishing career to spend more time with her son." She said, "... my working day made me so guilt-ridden that I just couldn't bear to carry on."