T. Berry Brazelton
Dr. Brazelton
is considered by many to be America's leading pediatrician. In
his book Working and Caring he presents a liberal feminist
view. He begins by writing, "Not long ago, a mother I'd never
seen before entered my office with her five-month-old son. As
she came in, she said, 'Doctor, should I wean my baby?'"
"I thought to myself. What an odd way to greet a new doctor. 'Why do you ask?' 'I have to go back to work,' she said, as if it were a threat. When I asked her when, she said, 'In the next few months.' Relieved, I said brightly, 'Certainly not, then! Just get him used to a bottle in the middle of the day. Plan to breast feed him before and after work. You'll find it's so great to come home at the end of the day and be able to put him right to breast. You feel cemented to each other all over again." She will find it "great" to be away all day every day and then have a few hours with her baby at night?
"At this, she sat down in my easy chair, clutching her baby closer, and began to cry. I was horrified. I thought I must have said the wrong thing to this woman I hardly knew. Brushing the tears away, she explained her feelings. 'I hoped you'd say that. I haven't been able to hear it from anyone else. I'm a lawyer in town. Suddenly, I don't want to go back to work at all. I was counsel for a women's rights organization and had bought completely into their beliefs. I waited as long as I dared to have this baby, though we both wanted him. I love my work and resented the idea of having to leave it for a month. After he was born, I suddenly fell completely in love. I couldn't eat or sleep or think of anything but my baby. I don't care about work any longer. I realize I'm a woman without a culture. I can't believe in the woman's movement in the same way I did in the past. And I have no good models to follow who must go back to work."
"This woman's plea for help, her need for understanding, and her need to understand her own passionate feelings about becoming a nurturer, as well as her ambivalence about returning to the workplace, is a common cry today. I hear it all the time in my practice. Women feel that they must do one or the other, that they can't do both well. They can't be good mothers and successful working women at the same time. A common myth now is that one must be a superwoman to accomplish both tasks -- a 'supermom' at home and a 'super success' at work. This 'splitting apart' is very painful for most women, and they are setting impossible goals in each area, as if to make up for the conflict they feel. This mother's cry for a 'new culture' led me to write this book. For here was a woman who was indeed a success both at mothering and at her job. Yet she felt as if she were a failure in both."
Stupid books like Brazelton's has led me to write the book you are reading. Everything is wrong about this scene. The woman is not a "success" at mothering. Brazelton is a satanic advocate for children and families. How many millions of people have been led down the road to hell with his good intentions? He tells this confused woman that her baby should take a bottle during the day and breast feed at night. God's way is true love and babies should never take a bottle. This woman has a 5 month old and she should nurse at least for one year. Two or three years would be better. My wife nursed all eight of our children for 3 years each.
Then the woman says she is a lawyer. Don't we have enough lawyers in this country? She says she is a lawyer for a women's organization. Is it a liberal organization that loves big brother government? I assume so. She says she waited a long time to have her baby. This is the result of feminism -- the death of love in the family. Satan has got her interested in the marketplace over having children and raising them. But Satan cannot kill the conscience and she, like so many feminists, are conflicted. After the baby is born she falls in love and doesn't want to go back to work. She can only think about her child and now resents the women's movement when before she had a baby she resented babies for throwing a wrench in her joy at working outside the home.
Brazelton spends his whole book pushing for women to be "fulfilled" in both baby and job. He deceives everyone into thinking he is a wise and loving doctor who you can trust. He is just another charismatic Lucifer destroying families. His deep insight as to how a family can have their cake and eat it too is for men to become equal nurturers with women. Like all good liberals he constantly pushes for government to force employers to make men leave work and spend time with their baby so their wife can keep her career. It never occurs to him that taking care of a baby is a career. Feminist leaders have deluded women that a homemaker is not an interesting person because she is not a checker at KMart or a hot shot lawyer competing with focused men in her office.
Sadly he preaches the communist line that day care is great for children. He counsels women to not feel guilty and not think their conscience is trying to tell them to stay home. To those women who have the "nagging question, Is it really all right for me to work and mother at the same time? We need to tell these mothers that, at a certain age, babies get what they need from other caregivers and that they, the mothers, will be able to stand the separation without feeling too grieved at the loss." Too grieved? Why have any grief?
Like all good feminists he bashes the past that is not as enlightened and sophisticated as us moderns. "In the forties and fifties, the talents and personal aspirations of able women were ignored." ... "Can a woman decide to take on and competently carry out two roles at once? I certainly think so, and it seems time for us to face this fact as a national trend." No, we don't have to respond to this national trend by accepting it as good and inevitable anymore than that we should accept the national trend toward massive pre-marital sex. This is tired old argument of handing out condoms to 14 year olds.
He has the dumb notion that men are going to give up focusing on their careers and spend lots of time changing diapers and making dinner. "This generation is a time of transition for men as well as women. The traditional breadwinning roles for men are being threatened as women prove themselves to be competent in the workplace. They manage, make decisions, and perform as well as men." No, they don't. And men don't "perform as well" as women with babies.
He says men should stop being upset at women competing with them. Men, he says, are to "grow" and put raising babies as his "top priority." He says that society is not as smart as he is, so men should be pioneers for his feminist utopia and pave the way. Pioneers for feminism have it hard but that is just fine to feminist leaders. He tells a story of a man he knew who tried to do as he teaches and found when he returned to his job after spending months with his baby that he "felt shut out of the club by the atmosphere in the office thereafter." Brazelton hasn't got a clue to the kind of "atmosphere" a home and workplace should have. It takes incredible focus and time for a man to provide for a family. He has to serve his customers or his company. It takes incredible focus for a woman to have children, nurse, cook, clean, nurture, and create a loving atmosphere in the home. Feminists just can't see that men and women are different physically, mentally and emotionally. They each have God-given roles to perform. Chaos happens when they try to do the duties of the other. The feminist utopia will never happen. They are fighting human nature. This makes for fighting in the home. Feminism has this idiotic belief that babies can be taken to the workplace. Babies don't belong at construction sites as Daddy builds a highway while Mommy is shouting at young men while she wears army fatigues. The ugliness of feminism is like the ugly fashions of the 70s and body piercings and women wearing jeans in the 90s.
He says, "Carol Gilligan points out in In Another Voice that women still feel, at a very deep level, uncomfortable in competitive roles. The women's movement has not dispelled this feeling."
We should interpret Gilligan's research to mean that men and women should not even try to compete, but feminists will twist anything unnatural to become natural in their diabolical crusade. He just cannot see that men and women are different. And when feminists do concede there are differences then they try their best to force square pegs into round holes. No matter what argument you give a feminist they have an answer. It is as frustrating as trying to argue the logic and common sense of the Divine Principle with a fundamental Christian who just can't understand the concept that the Bible is often symbolic.
Brazelton writes glowingly of the magical
joy of women working: "Women now have many opportunities for
self-fulfillment in exciting new careers." He sounds just like
Friedan who duped American women into thinking they are mindless,
boring slaves if they stay home. If they don't work their
husbands will have nothing to talk about with them. Is it a
coincidence that as women work more they divorce more? Don't
worry, feminists have a quick answer to that one as well. They
have answers to everything, just like a fundamental Christian has a
hundred Bible verses that in his mind answers all questions.
Sadly, he is all wrong and sadly, Brazelton and all feminists think
they are smart and rational and logical, but nothing they say is
real. If a truth is real it works. Communists tried to
argue against capitalism for 70 years in the Soviet Union, but the
result was a desolate nation. Feminists have ruled America for
many years and the result is desolate families. They think the
families of the 20th century are better than the past. We know
what the families are like of our
Compare the families of the men on Mt. Rushmore with the families of
feminist Presidents like Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, and Bill
Clinton. America thinks they are great presidents, but they are
not. They were terrible family men. Now we have the
ridiculous Hillary Clinton who walks in the nauseating footsteps of
Eleanor Roosevelt.
The argument that women have to work is one of feminist's favorite. They think they are so logical and rational when they keep saying it. But it is the same argument for handing out free condoms in middle schools which says, "Let's get real. They're going to have sex anyway, so let's give them some protection. If we didn't we would be cruel." This kind of negative thinking is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If people really want something they can have it. Smokers will brave snowstorms to get to a 7-11 to get a pack of smokes. People find money for donuts and beer. Feminists have a low opinion of people. They say men and charitable organizations can't take care of women and children, so women have to work and we need socialist government to make sure women are protected. They are dead wrong with their limited thinking.
There are
more and more books by feminists switching from saying that men and
women are the same to now saying that men and women are as different
in their psyches as they are in their bodies. To these poor
souls, this is good news for women competing in the job market.
It is great news. It is exciting and breathtaking news.
Why? Because women are now better than men. A popular
writer on how women should use their special gifts in the workplace
is Barbara Tannen.
I pray and work for the day that the
political Left will not rule America and the sane voices of the Right
will be the norm. It is excruciating to read the junk science
of Brazelton. It is painful for God to see his children
sabotaging their lives. God's way is for children to get
massive love all day long, not the low level love of Brazelton's day
care center. Children need to be the focus of their mother in the
home and loving relatives and friends in the community. Men
need to focus on their job instead of being distracted by confused
women like Monica Lewinsky coming into their office and coming on to
them. Multiply Monica by millions and what do you have?
Women being "fulfilled" in the workplace? Children making
friends in day care? Husbands able to focus on serving the
customer or killing the enemy with his bare hands in combat?
Monica doesn't need
to study Tannen. She needs to study the Bible and conservative
writers like the Andelins and LaHayes. Unfortunately she has
been raised in a culture dominated by Brazelton.