cultists define cults as not being normal and then in the same breath
say monks and nuns who take a lifetime vow of obedience, chastity and
poverty in secluded monasteries are normal. Hundreds of thousands of
priests and nuns for thousands of years are not victims of mind
control. Superstar actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta and his wife,
Kelly Preston who follow the leader of Scientology are brainwashed
zombies ready to kill themselves and others at the command of their
leader. Are Unificationists and Scientologists -- the two main cults
stalked by Hassan -- more healthy psychologically, spiritually and
physically than the tens of thousands of recluse Catholics? Elshtain
writes that an "ideal" spiritual community "balances firm identity
and openness to new possibility. A cult, once in motion, cannot be
open in any genuine sense because openness, by definition, is a
threat to total control over reality." do nunneries encourage
'openness to new possibilities?" The Pope will not allow any woman to
have leadership in what many protestants still today call a "cult."
Is Hassan with the feminists who fight against such injustice against
loves the word "balance": "The great world religions balance
themselves between love of the world and opposition to the world."
"What characterizes non-cultish communities? First, the opportunity
for each person, at his or her own pace, to grow through a freely
chosen vocation." Tell me. Is Cruise and Travolta more balanced than
a priest? Are they growing through a freely chosen vocation? What
about a monk who works in the bakery every day for 50 years and
rarely sees or talks to anyone? Who gets up at 4 o'clock in the
morning to sit on cold floors for hours in a robe that looks exactly
like everyone else's? Who has more individuality? Are monks more
"balanced" than Scientologists like Tom Cruise according to
Eschlain's definition? She thinks she is logical and has all her
arguments lined up neatly, but she is rationalizing her own
Elshtain wants people to get out of themselves. That is what religion does. And the stronger the religion then the more people will sacrifice. The major religions would not like their founders. Elshtain and Hassan would say today's Quakers are o.k. but they sure wouldn't like the early Quakers such as William Penn who founded Pennsylvania.
wants us to live in religious communities. He wants balance and
individuality, but He also has commandments to be disciplined and
sacrificial. This is the message of Sun Myung Moon. This is the
message of all great religions. The real dangerous leaders in America
are not the the leaders of the Unification Church and Scientologists,
but the leaders of the feminist movement. Millions of people follow
Hugh Hefner and Helen Gurley Brown. Their magazines, Playboy
and Cosmopolitan, are the bible for millions. They are the
masters of so-called mind control. Of all men's magazines, Playboy
has the greatest circulation. The Playboy Philosophy dominates
America. But you will find no mention of Hugh Hefner in Elshtain's
and Hassan's writings. The clean cut Unificationists and Mormons are
the evil pied pipers of America.
and Hassan haven't got a clue to how to solve society's problems.
They attack strong religious beliefs. Perhaps when Unificationists
finally get together as a community then the world will see how we
should live a religious life. Anti-cultists are so afraid of new
religions that they forget that Jesus was seen as a cult leader who
violated every definition of what a religious leader is supposed to
do by Elshtain and Hassan's definition. They do not know they Satan
exists and therefore they do not know the kind of strength and guts
it takes to fight him. They are wishy washy and push for mush.
Because of their low standard and ignorance, they are no match for
the truly evil forces at work that want to destroy what Elshtain and
Hassan love so much -- the greatest nation on earth -- America. They
are blind to that God works in mysterious and what seems at first to
be revolting ways.