is a cultural war and the hope of victory lies with deeply religious
people who are not of this depraved world. Even though the vast
majority of Unificationists have jobs, families and live in the
suburbs, this does not diminish the idiotic crusade of Hassan. He is
so filled with hate for the few years he lived a monk like life that
he can't see what has happened. Like the Mormons the UC is growing
and proving itself to be a force for conservative values. Elshtain
speaks at BYU and doesn't see that America needs their example of a
strong religious lifestyle. Mormon's respect for Hinkley, who they
call a prophet, and Roman Catholics who believe the Pope is
infallible, is disgusting to Hassan. Many Americans have been
brainwashed and succumbed to Hassan's "mind control" and by his
friends who despise New Religious Movements.
Feminists hate the Mormons and Promise Keepers. But it is the intensely religious people that will save America, just as the Pilgrims, another cult as defined by Elshtain and Hassan, founded America and gave it strength to fight big government and feminism.
She writes often how Americans since the 1960s have given up a
respect for healthy
authority or as she says "legitimate" authority. She wants her cake
and eat it too. She wants "compromise" and yet "Certain issues --
slavery, for example -- do violate so deeply the constituted
principles of a democratic order that compromise isn't warranted. But
most issues aren't like that." She is vague about what those "issues"
are. That is why God sends his champions to give those "issues." She
wanders around between conservative and liberal ideas but someday she
and everyone will have to unite on absolute values that look very
cultish today. She was on the right track when she had a cover story
for the liberal magazine The Nation in 1979 that "criticized
feminists for their antipathy to child rearing, heterosexuality, and
the family in general. 'The family, however shakily and imperfectly,
helps to keep alive an alternative to the values which dominate in
the marketplace,' she wrote, sparked a wave of angry letters."
Fundraising must stop
of the worst things that happened in the UC was when it lived in
socialist communes in the 60s and 70s. Then they invented the
terrifying MFT. The result was a total disaster. Steve Hassan says it
well in his books, Combating Mind Control, when he tells of
how he fundraised like crazy and never got enough sleep. He fell
asleep driving and broke his leg in a serious car crash. He
interprets this as abuse and labels the UC as dangerous. I label it
stupid idealism. Even in the new millennium the UC still has some
fundraising teams. This must stop. Don't listen to glowing stories of
personal growth from members who look back at their years of mindless
MFT days as somehow a time when they grew because they traveled
across America and saw many kinds of people. It was a
half-full experiment. One of the core values of a good society is
honesty. How can you have trust if there is massive deceit? The ends
do not justify the means. There may be an exception now and then, but
not for the average person. For America to trust the UC it must
apologize for the terror instilled in people as they deceived
America. We need to settle down and stop this incessant moving.
Travel is fine, but we need to live in a stable base camp. The UC has
moved away from the extreme socialism of the 70s, but there is still
so much socialist/feminist thinking that it cannot grow.
UC communities must honor individuality as much as they honor obedience to central figures. The UC is not "dangerous" like Hassan writes, but it is doing so many things wrong that it is a failure as a movement. Too many members still defend the movement when there are articles in national magazines about the confusion some young people have experienced on the MFT that still exists. Hassan has thrown the baby out with the bathwater. We did the same for 7 years, but finally realized that the Principle is true and that most members don't really know what principled relationships are. The bottom line is that they do not know that they are supposed to live in capitalist, democratic communities that are run by brothers in their own homes and in the community government. This no reason for Hassan to spend decades attacking Unificationists who have proven themselves with the test of time to be law-abiding people who are not under some strange mind-control spell.
book, Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for
Themselves is not the truth. Steve does not realize that God
wants people to think, but He also wants people to think what He
thinks about the core truths of the universe. Hassan has gone back to
being a Jew. The Old Testament is the story of 2000 years of God
speaking through a small religious movement that has been viciously
persecuted for 2000 years. It is the height of stupidity to wake up
each morning with a burning desire to attack new religious movements.
Many have done that in human history and have killed such great men
such as the Jewish carpenter who had disciples give up their jobs and
beg with him
town to town and Dietrich Bonhoffer who was killed by the Nazis. What
does Steve want? For Unificationists to wear a patch like the Jews
did under Hitler's Germany? Does he want everyone to boycott
Unificationist businesses? When Rev. Moon celebrated his 80th
birthday in 2000, former Vice-President Dan Quayle was there to
congratulate him for all he has done for humanity. No one can become
famous for working over 60 years and not be known by his fruits.
Reagan's daughter appeared on Playboy. Life is messy. But Reagan is
seen as good man. Clinton was exposed for who he was in his fifties
-- a womanizer. Jesus is seen as not deserving capital punishment.
The book Inquisition clearly shows that Rev. Moon was innocent
and should not have gone to jail. Jerry Falwell defended him against
those charges and has become friends with Rev. Moon. Hatred toward
what is different is very easy to ignite. America must open its eyes
to the greatness of Rev. Moon and his teachings. The focus of unity
is on True Parents. The only way for this world to unite and become
harmonious is to become deeply religious and have the same religion.
Until that happens God wants us to be tolerant of other religions
unlike Hassan who says he does but his books are just twisted
justifications for persecution.
God is asking each of us to stretch. Bigots like Hassan deceive
themselves they are "empowering
people to think for themselves." They are simply competing to
persuade people to what they believe the truth is. The voices for
what is "normal" are often of Satan. Satan does not want people to
become deeply religious and live together in close communities. He
wants people to have lukewarm beliefs and not push for moral
perfection. He wants anyone who has a goal of utopia -- of world
peace and works like a fanatic for that goal, to be seen as
psychologically sick. We have to go slow, be careful, do everything
perfect. This is the philosophy of OSHA and all the other government
bureaucrats who, if they lived in 1620 would not have not let the
Mayflower sail because it did not meet federal regulations for
hygiene and safety. Steve Hassan would be carrying signs and
imploring the King to put Bradford and the rest of the poor souls who
blindly followed him to their death in Plymouth Plantation in jail.
To go to the dangerous American wilderness with children and pregnant
women in winter would be from Hassan's judgment the height of
madness. From God's viewpoint it had to happen. It was madness for
General Eisenhower to send young men to their death by the thousands
on D-Day. Hassan has no idea that there is a battle for people's
minds from the diabolical feminists. Moon fights feminists. Hassan
didn't see that God wanted him to be a fighter against the real evils
of the world. He is the one who has his mind controlled.
The Principle Empowers People to Think Clearly
Rev. Moon we learn that Satan is the ruler of this world. Sadly, not
only Hassan does not know that the Divine Principle is the truth that
will free mankind of Satan's mind control, but most UC members don't
know how Satan works. We pray our books will end that ignorance.
Satan got the movement to embrace fundraising that broke Hassan's
heart. It almost broke ours. Satan has the movement in the palm of
his hand when he has so many members come out with anti-femininst
statements mixed up with feminist teachings. Anyone holding two
contradictory views will be immobilized. The UC in America and Europe
is dead because they have been digested by feminism. Unificationists
are supposed to live in patriarchal communities in homes or condos
they own.
Sun Myung Moon
Rev. Moon has gone past the growth stage to complete maturity
as taught in the Divine Principle.
By studying him we learn the absolute nature and goal of God. The
title of this book lists some of those goals. Every person will
ultimately bow in respect to Rev. and Mrs. Moon as their True
Parents. This means every person will accept the Divine
Principle as the ruling ideology of the world. Everyone will live
as brothers and sisters with the same spiritual parents.
Anti-Moon books like those of Steve Hassan and those in Christian bookstores mistakenly see world unity as a pipe dream that only madmen would dream of. The truth is that God and Satan both have that ideal. Satan's one world dream is the Communist atheist feminist world of Marx and Lenin. God's one world dream is taught by Sun Myung Moon in his thousands of speeches he has given over a fifty year period. He is a practical idealist, not a monomaniac totalitarian.
Politically, the ideal world will be democratic and capitalist.
Moon's opponents incorrectly see
him as teaching a rigid theocracy like the Ayatollah of Iran where
there are few rights and lots of punishments. Rev. Moon is not
focused on politics. He is focused on the family -- the traditional
family. He is tolerant and sees happiness for mankind as communities
living with the wholesome values taught in the Bible. He is of God
and therefore against violence. Steve Hassan used violence in
deprogramming people when he began his crusade of being a religious
bigot. Later he stopped using being coercive, but Rev. Moon has never
used force, like Steve and other violent people have used against
small religious movements that do not conform to what the majority
defines as "normal."
In the title of our book we say that communities will be
tight-knit. I have been the president of our neighborhood association
and all we could ever do was simple little projects and an occasional
pot luck. Americans need to revolutionize their thinking and live
co-housing style communities. All the co-housing communities are
secular and therefore are far from the strong communities God wants.
Every person is to live in houses they own, but they should also eat
together for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At best most co-housing
communities eat four dinners together a week. They are too
individualistic. Our focus should be on the community, not nuclear
families or individuals. We are to value the individual, but a person
needs the security and joy that comes from being part of a community
instead of an isolated person or family. A major task of women is
cooking and dishes. In a spiritual community that always ate together
there would be a big stainless steel dish washing machine in the
common house that some teenagers could run for a fee. They would be
thrilled to have the job and women could actually sit down for dinner
and enjoy their family and friends instead of slaving over the
shopping of food, cooking and cleaning. The goal of every UC member
should be to form communities of many families -- lets say anywhere
from 40 to 400 and have a beautiful dining room that serves food
without exception just like a hospital does. People need to be fed
regardless of individual's problems. Children need the love and
protection of these spiritual communities. And only the Divine
Principle is an ideology that is strong enough to unite this world as
loving communities.
have the word "tight-knit" in our title because communities need to
be made of close friends. We had a neighbor of ours once that began
drinking and could not keep a job. The wife was a friend of Claire's
and had no idea what to do. His parents lived in town but they too
had no idea of what to do and rarely came over or said anything to
him. I did not know him at all and I had no interest in knowing
him. How different it would be if he and I signed a statement of
values that said no drinking and that a man had to provide for his
family. We were friends and there were other men who felt the same
way and lived all around him. If he came home drunk, then the wife
would have the help of 40 men to talk to him and help him. If men
lived in these kinds of communities, would any man even think of
turning to drink and irresponsibility in the first place? I doubt it.
America has embraced the socialist/feminist agenda so even blood relatives don't care to help their own. They will tell their loved one to get counseling from the government and get welfare. Whenever the UM begins to live in loving communities then the media will take notice -- the intelligentsia will take notice -- and the world will beat a path to our doorsteps.